Query Critique and Coaching

Querying literary agents can feel like an endless struggle. You begin querying agents because you believe in your work. But the querying process can leave you feeling deflated and unsure. Are you receiving form rejections and crickets because your story is lacking? Or because your query didn’t hit the right notes?

A query should have the critical elements every strong story needs (and that agents and publishers want to see). But it should also highlight what is unique about the story. It should be concise while illustrating voice and tone. It should be unique but not at the expense of clarity.

There is a balance to strike in a strong query, and that requires patience and practice.

That’s where I come in. I’ve been through this process with my own work and with my clients. I’ve learned to not only craft queries that sell, but to ask the right questions and guide authors as they discover their story in a new way.

Whether you’re feeling stuck in an endless tunnel of rejections or trying to figure out how to write your first query, I can help. We’ll make the process simple, productive, and fun.

Query Coaching

Query coaching is the most effective and efficient way to develop and strengthen your query. During a live Zoom session, we will rewrite your query, combining my querying experience with your personal knowledge of your story. This is the strongest option for writers who are committed to landing an agent.

During this process, we will dig into your characters and story. I’ll ask tough questions, and if there are weaknesses in your story, they’re likely to come to light.

My approach to coaching is much like my editing approach: tough but encouraging. I am honest about what needs work and areas that may become issues. But I recognize that your story means more to you than a stranger can see. During the querying process, the craft of writing meets the business. As a coach, I work to address both sides.


  • Preliminary query critique
  • One-hour Zoom session
  • Follow-up notes on revisions

Query Critique

A query critique involves focused feedback on your query. This is the best option if you’re on a budget or if you’re certain your query already contains all of the necessary elements and only needs changes to the way they are presented.

As with all of my query services, the emphasis is on developing a query that sells while remaining true to the story.


  • Query critique with notes and edits
  • Follow-up notes on revisions

Ready to get started?


Do you offer submission packages?

Yes, you can book a submission package to receive editing for your synopsis and first ten pages.

What if I don’t have a draft of my query?

We can start from scratch during a query coaching session!

Can I show you my revisions after the query critique?

Yes, your query critique includes feedback on your revised version.

What is special about the query coaching session?

During a query coaching session, we get to have a real-time conversation, with me asking important questions and digging deeply into your story. This can be far more effective than the traditional method of critiquing the query in isolation.